Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I Like This One


I call this one "scenery"

Wading in My Stream

Rough & Tumble

I thought it would have been hysterical if I'd fallen down the stairs (ladder) and through the front door...

The rodeo was fun, and not always this out of focus...

Drives & Odd Views

This was the drive to the cabin.
This was my lunchtime view.
This was the lady so distracted by her phone that she couldn't keep moving down the balcony out of my way - so she became the view.
There's my view back!
We drove back and stopped for this view.

Eating, Sleeping, Eating, Sleeping...

We made it to lunch at an interesting diner.
Where one of us (who shall remain nameless but her name starts with J and rhymes with ennifer) was apparently very hungry.
We then went back home for a nap.
Before heading to the fair.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Little People

Clean up

He didn't think those should be left lying there...

K's Wedding

Drove in this to the rehearsal...

In the foyer of the church...

Rehearsal Dinner...